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Chuck Kelemen, DCDR

Chuck Kelemen, DCDR
Chuck Kelemen is one of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary’s finest.  Chuck is a United States Marine Corps veteran, serving in Southeast Asia and on the Marine Corp Honor Guard in Washington D.C.  Commander Kelemen joined the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary in 1980 to continue his support of our country where he served in many offices as an effective leader. Chuck is starting his second year as Division Commander of Division 2, District 7.

  Charles Alan Jeffrey, VCDR 

Charles Alan Jeffrey, VCDR
Charles Jeffrey has been a member of the USCG Aux for seven years. He is a member of Flotilla 29, Lake Lanier where he has held the positions of FSO-PB, VFC and FC. At the Division 2 level he has been the SO-MT and SO-OP prior to being elected to the Division Vice Commander for 2024. He holds USCG Aux certifications as BCCOX, PWOIT, IT, TCO, CPR and First Aid. Additionally, he is the Branch Chief Coast Guard Recruiting support and is a member of the Division Honor Guard.